Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Neal Jackson & Ethics, an Impossible Combo?

During his campaign to become a county commissioner Neal Jackson has repeatedly stated that ethics are important…but apparently not when they refer to his own actions.

Jackson served on the QAC Ethics Commission until April 2 of this year. Through that position he learned confidential facts about a local citizen through Ethics Commission discussions about an Advisory Opinion issued in January. The Ethics Code requires the members and staff keep confidential any information that could potentially identify the person it concerns (§8-10,F). It's an obligation most of its members take seriously, redacting or otherwise masking the identity of anyone in an Advisory Opinion and keeping confidential any details of any complaint.

Not Mr. Jackson though. An important man like him couldn't be bothered to worry about the Ethics Code so he took the initiative to not only discuss the details of this case but to name the individual and disclose personal financial details he was legally required to keep confidential in the local newspapers as well as in campaign stump speeches and answers to various questions at forums.

It seems pretty obvious that Jackson thought these violations of his obligation to confidentiality would somehow benefit his political aspirations. And that’s another big no-no. In addition to binding its members to confidentiality the Ethics Code Jackson is eager to invoke specifically prohibits using confidential info obtained via a county position for personal gain.
§8-11,A. In general. Queen Anne's County officials, board and commission members, and employees, as provided in § 8-5, are prohibited from the following:
Intentionally using the prestige of their office, or confidential information acquired in their official County position, for their own private gain or that of another. The performance of usual and customary constituent services without additional compensation is not prohibited under this section.
As an important aside, §8-13,F of the Ethics Code is explicit that any individual must file a financial disclosure within 30 days of leaving office “for any reason other than death.” Apparently Jackson thought that didn't apply to him. He did file the disclosure, but not in the prescribed time period, and not even during the next month. I guess when you are above the law absolute deadlines don’t apply to you.
The Ethics Code is a simple document that is only several pages long. As Neal Jackson is so fond of reminding people he served on the Ethics Commission and was a big shot career DC attorney before that. There is no possible way that Jackson was not aware of these obligations. That leaves only one possible conclusion - he does not care about the law, the impacts of violations on those affected, at least when it comes to him and and his other fellow liberal elites.

Considering how recently he transplanted himself in QAC, we don’t know a whole lot about Jackson, but what we do know isn’t good.

He rushed to defend the right of a convicted kiddie pornographer to trade pictures of sexual abuse on the internet because he was “writing a story.”

He eagerly accepted large sums of cash from Henry Sears, a man who seems to have bought his way out of one environmental law violation after another.

He is proudly supported by Sveinn Storm, a thug who calls government on everyone else but works on his own properties without permits and in violation of EPA lead regulations.

And he himself has flagrantly violated the County Ethics Code on multiple points, even though he complains of others’ supposed tin ears on the issue.

It is clear that this is one heck of a guy and given a little political power would be one heck of a politician. Such politicians sometimes get lots of press, just not the kind we want in Queen Anne’s County.


  1. three srikes and you are out.Send him back to DC where treating others badly is the simple country folk like to treat others with respect and honesty.

  2. Jeez, what has this guy not done to make people angry - no wonder his neighbors hate him. Can he really be this bad a guy, or is he really so stupid as to blunder into so many really bad things? Either way - I'm not voting for him.

  3. What is the penalty for violation of ethics while on the Ethics Commission?

    Any individual found to have violated the Public Ethics Law may be subject to disciplinary or other
    appropriate action as prescribed in the Public Ethics Law.
    The Commission may:
    § Issue a cease and desist order against any individual found in violation of the Public Ethics Law; and
    § Seek enforcement in the Circuit Court of Queen Anne’s County.
    A County official or employee found to be violation of the Public Ethics Law shall be referred to the County
    Human Resources Office for a determination of disciplinary action.
    An individual who knowingly and willingly violates the Ethics Law may be found guilty of a civil violation, and
    on conviction, is subject to a fine of up to $1000.

    The Queen Anne’s County Public Ethics Law can be found at:

  5. $1000 fine.


    We voters care, but will Jackson even care?

  6. He cared more about free speech than child why would he care about ethics when it only costs him at most $1,000?

  7. Again, IF the public officials are doing their jobs rather than merely collecting their pay checks, these problems would be handled. Instead their heads are turned, their palms greased, and the beat goes on. What is new? The root of much of the trouble and conflict in Queen Anne's County points to many members of the Queen Anne's Conservation Assoc. They are all bullies with fat check books or claim to know people in higher places who will ease them out of or thru all difficulties. They are SPECIAL and feared by many in authority in our County. They are buying their seats or someone is helping them pay for their slots on committees. We have slots right here in Queen Anne's--and we did not even know it.

  8. Since Mr. Henry Sear$ is such a big $$$$ backer of Mr. Jack$on, maybe Sear$ can call in the chits from Mr. Jack$on. He certainly could use a big-time Washington lawyer to save him from cleaning the mess he is caught leaving in the Chester.
    That is what political friends are for . . .

  9. First of all the convicted felon remained convicted and a common sense person knows he wasn't “writing a story.” Did you read his lame excuse in the paper? He signed on as part of his job because he was asked to. What crap, pardon my language. He had a choice and didn't have to do it. He chose to do it. He's the worst kind of liberal and would be a disaster for the county. I hope the citizens know better than to vote for him. Tell him what you think of him by ignoring him and never allowing him to hold public office. And to those in the paper who are saying how wonderful it is that he is getting a majority of his funding from outside the all are idiots.

  10. Sum it up ...

    Jackson's only been here two years. He doesn't know us, and we don't know him.

    Protector of convicted kiddie porn trafficers.

    Believes certain people, like reporters, are above the law.

    Believes he is above the law, as shown in his failure to register paperwork as shown in this blog post.

    Believes he is both above Ethics laws in QA by talking about confidential commission matters to further his campaign.

    He is a buddy of hypocritical scofflaw Sears.

    He only has a chance of winning at all due to personal attacks on Arentz which are not accurate.

    Kudos to the Torch for making this clear.

  11. Kudos to The TORCH! You are so right. This writer, Mark Newgent, of this site deserves all the praise and credit in this area for attempting to enlighten the citizens and voters about what is happening. He is very much appreciated by all of us who read his writings. Thank you. Thank you. The truth must come out--and not be hidden under secret deals, closed meetings, unpublished accounts, and public officials who fail to do their jobs. The local papers, the Star and the QA Record Observer are fearful and will not print the full stories and truths. They want and need the income from the candidate ads!
    Jackson is a phony. Mr. NEWCOMER to the Queen Anne's scene--the entitled one? What a false front. Personal attacks that were staged by his cronies against the other candidate, Mr. Arentz, are coming home to roost, Mr. Jackson. Hope after Tuesday that Mr. Jackson will be ousted from his two-year-old "chicken house" in Church Hill/Searsville.

  12. Since I was "Subject 2" in this bogus advisory statement from the ethics Commission, I feel that some background info is justified. The investigation was instituted by Comm. Fordonski after consulting with Ethics Matters. Look up the membership of their board and it should tell you everthing you need to know. Do the names Campbell and Broderick ring a bell? Comm. Fordonski claims that there was no political motivation. Who is she kidding? If there was no political motivation was was MS. Tolliver not investigated since she was a party to a lawsuit against the County over the Wheatlands project. Sounds like selective ethics investigating to me. I guess only those that oppose Q.A. Conservation deserve to be investigated. Barry Waterman shoiuld have been appointed and has shown that his "Ethics" are above reproach. I still remain furious over the underhanded way that this was handled by one of our County Commissioners.

  13. Best that everyone forward this link to every voter they know. The nasty false mailers that Altman, Campbell, Simmons, Jackson and thier nasty friends who have no problem outright lying to maintain control over local politics will be arriving today through Monday - count on it.

  14. What might the Queen Anne's County citizens expect when warnings have been aired for sometime regarding the political connections and funding/campaign exchanges with the Conservation Assoc?
    They are buying candidates and elections here so get used to it. Their fingerprints are going to be on every officer, every Commissioner, every elected official, and on every County department. The proof is right there so wake up and smell the stink that will result. NO one will open a new business here. NO one will be moving in to this County. The corruption is obvious at this time--what is it going to be in the years ahead. Like the waterfront Mafia!
    Ole Jay Fallstad has moved Richard Altman over and out. He needed a larger paycheck to pay back the low interest mortgage money he borrowed from Mr. Griffith. Goes on and on--and it will go further. The lives of the folks of Queen Anne's County are nothing but a lark and game for these people. They do not speak for me--how 'bout YOU?

  15. The Ethics Opinion you refer to is public record. It is posted on website, where anyone can see it. To anyone who has ever read a local newspaper or EVER attended a Commissioner's or Planning Commission meeting it's quite obvious the opinion was about Barry Waterman, whose appointment to the PC Paul Gunther supported regardless of the opinion. Back to the good old days when the PC was chaired by a developer -- yes, the good old days that brought us Four Seasons and started the great divide between the "developer cartel" and the "no-growthers" -- neither of which label is totally accurate! So what's the big secret that Jackson divulged (according to you)? This and the kiddie porn farce are just more last-minute smear campaigns.

  16. It's only a smear when the attack is false. Otherwise it's called a fact.

    So here are a few facts:

    -The Ethics Code requires that Advisory Opinions keep hidden the identity of the person or persons it concerns.
    -The Ethics Commission did this with the Opinion in question.
    -In newspaper interviews and other venues Neal Jackson ignored the requirement of confidentiality and named the person the Opinion concerned.
    -The Ethics Code also prohibits using confidential information for personal gain.
    -Neal Jackson used his violation of confidentiality as a political attack to bolster his own candidacy - clearly personal gain.

    And even if none of the above facts were in play, Jackson still has to explain one more thing:

    -It is a fact that the Ethics Code requires a financial disclosure 30 days after a member resigns from the Ethics Commission.
    -Jackson resigned his position on the Ethics Commission on April 2, 2010.
    -He didn't file it until June 7, 2010.
    -That's 69 days after his resignation and, last time I checked 69 is over twice as much as 30.

    That's a clear-cut violation of the Ethics Code.

    So where exactly is the smear?

  17. How about Mr. Arentz's flagrant violations of health regulations - could you post them? Frankly I'd rather see a late financial disclosure from a Commissioner candidate than be served spoiled food by another because he doesn't want to throw it away and lose money on it!

  18. Set the scene: Lady asks question in public forum of Commission candidates of Mr. Arentz regarding rumors of Health Department matters. Lady--who says her name is Joyce F. is a SET-UP.
    She is an admitted supporter of Neal Jackson--in fact, Joyce has held fund raising parties in her Queenstown home for Jackson. She is a loyal supporter of his campaign. This was a rude, nasty set-up which would embarrass Mr. Arentz. Her attitude and false reasoning merely made Joyce F. look like a dupe! End of story.

  19. Isn't it interesting that S.Storm has to get himself into all of these frazzles. He prides him in negative questioning, and he is so proud to present false info that may bring someone who he does NOT agree with down. There is no fact or truth to most of his claims but he manufactures accusations. Look at all these items on this entire website. Many concern S.Storm. Who the hell is this guy and why would his ability to tell the truth be so absent? Does he seek attention or just the desire to defame, slam, and destroy anyone who does NOT agree with him?

  20. I believe Storm displays sociopathic characteristics - Unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one's actions. He is dangerous and his behavior may escalate to physical harm.
