Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anatomy of a Smear

The Baltimore Sun, and even the Drudge Report picked up the total non-story that is MDGOP First Vice Chair Diana Waterman’s black angus cow “Oprah.” There is, of course, a lot of bovine waste floating around this manufactured tempest in a teapot, but none of it is coming from the cow.

The real story here isn’t the cow as the Sun thinks, but about Queen Anne’s County ne'er-do-well, Sveinn Storm ginning up a controversy where none exists to smear Waterman in order to sink County Ordinance 11-02, which the Queen Anne’s County Board of Commissioners approved Tuesday night.

Storm and his pack of shrieking anti-growth harpies were opposed to the measure, which allows the party central committees to fill vacancies on the Queen Anne’s County Board of Commissioners. A similar system exists for vacancies in the General Assembly. The governor appoints replacements recommended by the county central committee of the party holding the particular seat.

Duly elected pro-growth Republicans dominate the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee. Waterman is not only First Vice Chair of the Maryland GOP, but a member of the county central committee as well. Get the picture.

Storm and his ally Dan Worth claim that their opposition to the ordinance is all about democracy. Worth writes:

I don’t know about you, but I would rather have an opportunity to vote to fill a County Commissioner vacancy rather than have the selection made by who knows who.

Does Dan Worth, an active ally and neighbor of Sveinn Storm really think he can fool people into thinking he actually doesn’t know who is on the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee? Quite cheeky for a guy who was busted for impersonating an elected official to be talking about “who knows who.”

In a letter so full of specious legal reasoning not seen since William O. Douglas wrote about emanations from penumbras, Storm demanded the committee turn over documents under the Maryland Public Information Act. An official from the Attorney General’s office assured me that county political central committees are not subject the law.

What Storm, Worth and the anti-growthers are really worried about is power. The commissioner’s election didn’t go their way, so they’re left with nothing but juvenile tricks and smear campaigns.

Storm and his anti-growth crowd are a fifth column, in what Senator EJ Pipkin and, Delegate Mike Smigiel call the war on rural Maryland.

Economic growth no matter how sensible or how needed is spat upon, and property rights are held in contempt--except their own of course. They know no boundary of decency or propriety, opponents are to be demonized at all costs.


  1. IF, if I say, our Town, our County, and our location, is so vile and unpleasant, why, why I say, would Storm & Worth stay in our midst? Why? What keeps them in such a dishonest, unpleasant, and impossible place? They must be getting something from being here. When you see them, after they come out of their houses, ask them to leave if it is that bad . . .

  2. interesting - i had the same thought - please, make a positive impact, adapt, or leave...I have yet to figure out what the incentive is in being nasty...what is the reward?

  3. There is more behind this failed "smear" than appears. I believe it goes back to the Dunmyer and Simmons campaigns being so vocally against the existing republican central committee. The result of them both being in office is that there are going to be continued attacks on anything and everything that comes up- this week's vote on replacing commissioners is a good example. During the campaigning door to door, there were republican representatives actually telling those who opened their doors that: "there is a good republican party and a bad republican party in this county", and then went on to represent the anti-everything candidates as the "good" party. As a registered R, I strongly disagree.

    This isn't about Diana Waterman. This is about the continued negative forces who move here, and then complain and litigate everything- some have big mouths and no money, but are willing to be financed by those who want to remain in the shadows and write big checks. But it's as much about residents who do not speak out against what they know is wrong, and instead think "well, at least ______ isn't picking on me." That thinking has gotten us many years of lawsuits regarding Four Seasons (thanks QA Conservation/Constipation), FASTC not happening (thanks again QA Conservation and the backwards thinking and "real" republicans of the county), and now a major budget deficit that will affect taxpayers for years to come (thanks, anti-growth advocates).

  4. Diana Waterman was ELECTED.
    I know why the citizens/voters in QAC have never seen candidates by the name of
    Storm or Worth on any ballot. They could NEVER win if they ran for any office. They are leeches who suck blood from the system--harp and fuss about any good person or any good idea. Those two creeps only are nasty, jealous, and complain constantly. At least, Mrs. Waterman had the courage to become a candidate--and the ability and skill to be elected and now serves. Bravo and good luck to you, Diana.

  5. Don't waste your time discussing Storm and Worth. What a waste of matter on earth. I hope "Oprah" will one day yield some billion dollar cuts of meat.

    I am all for cutting spending and less government but we can't make cuts to the things that attract solidly middle class families to the county. Start discussing action items for the local government like dumping some of the property they own. We need to make it easy for businesses to build what they want. This can be a forward thinking blog that informs QAC government of what it needs to do to make this place affordable for those who are here and attractive to those with money looking to make a move.
